Frequently Asked Questions
Who maintains the Support House?
We are a fully ecumenical Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (OSCIP) with no ties to political groups or public authorities. Our maintenance takes place, in large part, through donations and people with charitable souls who want to help others with voluntary work. Invoices without CPF are also important to us, as we collect with donations. In addition, we sell handicrafts (produced by volunteers) and used clothes in our bazaar.
What are the opening hours?
We serve our beneficiaries and receive donations from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. On Saturdays, we work internally and receive donations from 08:00 to 12:00. We do not work on Sundays and holidays.
How many municipalities does the Support House serve?
We currently serve people from 115 municipalities. These cities belong to the following health regions, according to the classification of the Secretary of Health of the State of Paraná: 11th Campo Mourão, 12th Umuarama, 13th Cianorte, 14th Paranavaà and 15th Maringá.
What's the location?
We are located at Rua dos Gerânios, nº 306, Conjunto Habitacional Inocente Vila Nova Junior, in Maringá-PR, close to Hospital do Câncer.
What are the benefits offered to patients in health care?
We offer basic food baskets, colostomy bags, bras with prostheses, wigs, supplements for enteral feeding and some others. We only emphasize that the benefits are temporary, while patients are undergoing health treatment, and adherence is based on evaluation.
Does the Support House belong to the Cancer Hospital of Maringá?
We are not an institution linked to HC. If you have any queries, schedules or need to contact the hospital, please call (44) 3224-8802.
Does the House have an overnight stay? How it works?
We offer overnight accommodation for patients and their companions. These people stay at our facility Monday through Thursday. On Fridays, they return to their homes and on Monday of the following week they return to the Support House. All overnight stays take place by appointment.
What is the target audience of Casa de Apoio?
Our target audience is people undergoing health treatment. Due to its proximity, we serve, in large numbers, patients undergoing treatment at HC de Maringá and their companions.
How can I help the Support House?
Donation of clothes, food or geriatric diapers: R. dos Gerânios, 306, Conj. Hab. Inocente Vila Nova Junior, Maringá – PR.
To donate any financial amount, access theDonationor make a PIX using the key: CNPJ: 21.500.254/0001-49.
If you want to become a volunteer,Click here and wait for our team to contact you!